GCH CH Meadowlake Beam ME Up
When you breed a deep rich coloered ruby sire to a black and tan bitch, do you expect to have a beautiful, perfectly marked blenheim. No, how does this happen? Hint: both grandfathers were blenheims. From the first time Scotty stepped in the ring, he continued to strut his stuff. He has beautiful smooth movement that allows him to literally glide around the ring. Major win after major win, Scotty finished his Champion title in just over a month and then his Grand Champion in another month by Sept 9, 2021, at 14 months old. He has a very gentle sweet personality, he loves everyone and is happy to do whatever you have in mind.
Sire: Khatibi One in Vermilion
Dam: Meadowlake Once in a Blue Moon
Breeder: Dorothy Swanson & Mary Nicole Morrison
Date of Birth: June 29, 2020
Health Tests: CHIC# DNA Tests: Episodic Falling, Dry Eye/Curly Coat - Clear, DM-Carrier